Sunday, September 4, 2016

     Marketing then vs Marketing now  

           After researching ads and doing some reading on the topic, marketing has come a long way since its early days. Depending on how far back we look early marketing involved things like an ad in local newspaper, or an ad on the radio at prime time. In early days especially pre-internet days, marketing was much more localized. Consumers could open a newspaper and see an ad for a local grocery store or a local good and or service. Even into the early 90s when not everyone had a computer in their home or if they did it was the slow dial up internet. Catalogs were very popular. This gave consumers access to products worldwide. I even remember tearing out the order form and mailing it in and having to wait 6-8 weeks for a product! I also think that in the previous decades of marketing, that the target audience was the mother and or father of the home.
         Now that the makeup of what constitutes a family has changed, marketing has followed suit. Television ads are geared more towards kids and teens, whom studies show have a tremendous effect on their parents spending, and trends. Marketing has become more mainstream. I noticed a new trend about a year ago. It seems that all the ads whether tv, radio, or print all have hip hop or urban music attached to them. Many ads include several different races of people. But everything seems to have urban vibes and settings to it. I caught my grandmother singing a song and when I inquired where she had heard it she had to think and replies "its always on the tv, I didn't even realize I was singing it, frankly I hate the commercial". Marketing now is big, loud, bright, and its everywhere! Nevertheless I am excited to see where marketing will be in 5 or 10 years. Where do we go next and will we finally be able to advertise on our flying cars?

          Image result for old marketing ad

Image result for marketing ads 2016

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