Friday, August 26, 2016

Marketing ad

Image result for marketing fails

               Let me fist say with all the photo shopping that is available today I am not really sure if this is an actual sigh. But assuming that it is, how did no one catch this? The position of these two signs is awful. The top one is promoting health and discouraging childhood obesity, even by suggesting that the Food Stamp program may help. I can only assume by providing families with money for fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of fast food. Then directly below is a sign for McDonald's one of the biggest fast food chains in America. We know that too much fast food has been linked to obesity. This is a marketing fail. Whomever rents these signs should have a clause so this sort of thing will not happen. These two signs should be nowhere near each other.


Friday, August 19, 2016

marketing gone wrong

           This is a marketing ad that I found online. It is so wrong on so many levels. What is meant to be ad promoting equality among all races, was horribly messed up. The weird part is, is that all advertising ads have to be approved by many different people at different levels. How was this not caught by someone? I could only think that the "normal" refers to the Caucasian child. Ever race is normal. I hate that this ad was produced and even seen by one eye. I hate that somewhere someone assumed that normal refers to the Caucasian race. We are all normal, we are all Gods kids and we are all equally the same regardless of color or race.